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Shalimar Beach Resort

2823 West Gulf Drive Sanibel FL United States 33957
CHECK-IN: 4 PM | CHECK-OUT: 11 AM | NON-SMOKING PROPERTY: Smoking in rooms and lanais is not permitted. PETS: No pets/animals permitted except for trained service animals as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Emotional support animals (ESAs) do not qualify as service animals. PARKING: One free parking space assigned per room. Please contact us to arrange additional parking (fees apply) before making reservation. Parking is monitored. HOUSEKEEPING SERVICE: No daily service for stays of less than 7 days. Service provided once per week for stays of 7+ days. Towel/linen exchange available for all guests in office. Please provide own beach towels. OCCUPANCY: Rates are based on two guests in Hotel Studios and One Bedroom Villas, and on four guests in Two Bedroom Villas. Extra fee of $20 per night/per guest applies to additional guests aged 13+. Max occupancy: four guests in Hotel Studios & One Bedroom Villas; six in Two Bedroom Villas. SPECIAL REQUESTS: We strive to honor specific accommodation requests. Please contact us directly before making reservation. REFUNDS: No refunds for early check-out or due to non-emergency weather/acts of God. Refunds issued for mandatory evacuations declared by City of Sanibel. | Guests found in violation of the above-listed policies will be assessed a $500 fine and may be removed from the property with no refunds issued.
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